Hey friend!Yesterday I posted a new video from a conversation between Naval Ravikant, Eric Jorgenson, Sahil Lavingia, among others. They talk about how should time be spent, so that you get the most out of it. And, on the other hand, what to avoid to not waste time. Here is all the written content I produced (in a nice format):✍️ Quotes“The fool, with all his other faults, has this also, he is always getting ready to live.” "It's not that we have a short time to live, but that we waste a lot of it."- Seneca"People who don't value their time seem to get very offended by people who do." - Ryan Holiday👨 Naval RavikantNaval is an entrepreneur and angel investor, a co-author of Venture Hacks, and a co-maintainer of AngelList.📝 Notes---- Naval Ravikant ------ The Past...* It is a fiction.* Do not spend any time thinking about the past. * It only exists in your head.- The present...* Is where you exist. ** Thus, this is where you should spend your time. * Any moment that you are not present, you are wasting your time. - Time well-spent* To get the most out of every moment* Properties* * It is useful and engaging* * It is not too mentally disturbing / anxious during that time* States** Flow State*** Definition:****To engage in a task at the edge of your capabilities (task which is possible but it is challenging).**** Issue: We can only do this for a few hours each day.** The 24/7 Flow State*** How to be in Flow every moment? (not just a few hours)**** Be Fully engaged on anything that you do. Fully aware and present.***** Consequence: your mind gets under control -- you get the most out of every moment.**** Self-awareness -- Detachment from your mind -- Flow State **** Being Self-aware in every moment -- Leads to Time well-spent----- Sahil Lavingia ------- How to Find out if you are happy:• Ask yourself: Would I change something about this moment?Link to the video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fDE1e8sQA7I
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How to Live your Best Life [w/ Naval…
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Hey friend!Yesterday I posted a new video from a conversation between Naval Ravikant, Eric Jorgenson, Sahil Lavingia, among others. They talk about how should time be spent, so that you get the most out of it. And, on the other hand, what to avoid to not waste time. Here is all the written content I produced (in a nice format):✍️ Quotes“The fool, with all his other faults, has this also, he is always getting ready to live.” "It's not that we have a short time to live, but that we waste a lot of it."- Seneca"People who don't value their time seem to get very offended by people who do." - Ryan Holiday👨 Naval RavikantNaval is an entrepreneur and angel investor, a co-author of Venture Hacks, and a co-maintainer of AngelList.📝 Notes---- Naval Ravikant ------ The Past...* It is a fiction.* Do not spend any time thinking about the past. * It only exists in your head.- The present...* Is where you exist. ** Thus, this is where you should spend your time. * Any moment that you are not present, you are wasting your time. - Time well-spent* To get the most out of every moment* Properties* * It is useful and engaging* * It is not too mentally disturbing / anxious during that time* States** Flow State*** Definition:****To engage in a task at the edge of your capabilities (task which is possible but it is challenging).**** Issue: We can only do this for a few hours each day.** The 24/7 Flow State*** How to be in Flow every moment? (not just a few hours)**** Be Fully engaged on anything that you do. Fully aware and present.***** Consequence: your mind gets under control -- you get the most out of every moment.**** Self-awareness -- Detachment from your mind -- Flow State **** Being Self-aware in every moment -- Leads to Time well-spent----- Sahil Lavingia ------- How to Find out if you are happy:• Ask yourself: Would I change something about this moment?Link to the video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fDE1e8sQA7I