Hey friend!I just posted a new video about how to integrate your shadow/darkness into your being, so that you become more whole and have the possibility to be the best version of you. The speaker is mainly Jordan Peterson.Here is all the written content of the video (in a nice format)…✍️ Best Quotes "Good does not become better by being exaggerated, but worse, and a small evil becomes a big one through being disregarded and repressed. The Shadow is very much a part of human nature, and it is only at night that no shadows exist." - Carl Jung“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” - Albert Einstein“There are no beautiful surfaces without a terrible depth” - Nietzsche"One must have chaos in oneself to give birth to a dancing star." - Nietzsche👨 PeopleJordan PetersonJordan Peterson is a clinical psychologist and the author of several best-selling books, among them "12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos," and "Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life." I can't recommend enough his youtube playlist "Maps of Meaning (year 2017)" -- This is a subject he imparted in college and it was recorded in youtube. It really changed my view of the world for the better and helped me to understand myself better. 📝 Notes- Traditional Morality (Nietzsche's critique):* Most of it is not morality itself, but cowardice. ** "We mask our fears and cowardice in the guise of morality" * Harmless and Moral are very different things. "The only virtue you can't fake is courage" - Nassim Taleb "I would rather be whole than good" - Carl Jung - The Shadow* Definition:**Collection of repressed aspects of our identity that Jung referred to as our shadow self.* By denying/suppressing the worse in yourself (your shadow), you preclude the possibility of the best.* Capacity for Aggression --> Capacity to Disagree with others --> Best of You“There are no beautiful surfaces without a terrible depth” - Nietzsche- Genuine (True) Morality* "When you are able to do things that you wouldn't do."** You are capable of doing it, but you choose not to do it.* When you fully integrate your shadow."One must have chaos in oneself to give birth to a dancing star." - Nietzsche- Know what to Avoid...* As the famous algebraist Carl Gustav Jacobi said: "Invert, always invert"** Before thinking on ways to improve, identify what destroys and work on avoiding it!“All I want to know is where I'm going to die so I'll never go there.” - Charlie Munger- Pride* The issue with Pride...** Taking pride on yourself will stop you from realizing your potential. *** Because if you are proud of yourself, then you are proud of your old structure. And you won't be willing to let that structure die. But if you want a new structure (a better version of yourself), the old structure has to die. * Don't be Proud...** "You want to continually step away from your previous self"** You are the thing that (voluntarily) transforms Chaos into Order(process that mediates btw Chaos and Order)(this is our deepest biological essence)----- Conversation with Lex Fridman ------- Gazing into the abyss makes you better, but it has to be voluntary!* If it's involuntary / accidental --> Leads to Trauma and potential Death. (negative)* The more Voluntary --> The more it Transforms you. (positively)"Voluntary exposure to that which freezes and terrifies you (in measured proportions) is curative"- The world you experience is defined by the way you live it. (Lex)“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” - Albert EinsteinAct of faith --The highest value is Love. And Truth is its handmaid. (the more we act out this act of faith, the better life gets!)📝 Reflections- On Love being the highest value...* In a letter that Richard Feynman wrote to a student who was trying to teach his mother physics, he wrote:"Tell your son to stop trying to fill your head with science, for to fill your heart with love is enough!"- Reflections on Pride from (1) the book "Power vs. Force", by David Hawkins, and (2) Jordan PetersonPeople who engage too much in Pride have a low level of consciousness (in the consciousness map of Dr. David Hawkins, shown on his book “Power vs. Force”). The downside of Pride is arrogance and denial. Which blocks personal growth. And it is dependent on external circumstances. Thus, it is a net negative condition for any human.Besides, as Jordan Peterson explained, it blocks personal growth because it makes you attach to your current image of yourself, which is molded by your past.Link to the video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wda_iNKrkOg&feature=youtu.be
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Why You Need to Integrate your Darkness to be…
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Hey friend!I just posted a new video about how to integrate your shadow/darkness into your being, so that you become more whole and have the possibility to be the best version of you. The speaker is mainly Jordan Peterson.Here is all the written content of the video (in a nice format)…✍️ Best Quotes "Good does not become better by being exaggerated, but worse, and a small evil becomes a big one through being disregarded and repressed. The Shadow is very much a part of human nature, and it is only at night that no shadows exist." - Carl Jung“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” - Albert Einstein“There are no beautiful surfaces without a terrible depth” - Nietzsche"One must have chaos in oneself to give birth to a dancing star." - Nietzsche👨 PeopleJordan PetersonJordan Peterson is a clinical psychologist and the author of several best-selling books, among them "12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos," and "Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life." I can't recommend enough his youtube playlist "Maps of Meaning (year 2017)" -- This is a subject he imparted in college and it was recorded in youtube. It really changed my view of the world for the better and helped me to understand myself better. 📝 Notes- Traditional Morality (Nietzsche's critique):* Most of it is not morality itself, but cowardice. ** "We mask our fears and cowardice in the guise of morality" * Harmless and Moral are very different things. "The only virtue you can't fake is courage" - Nassim Taleb "I would rather be whole than good" - Carl Jung - The Shadow* Definition:**Collection of repressed aspects of our identity that Jung referred to as our shadow self.* By denying/suppressing the worse in yourself (your shadow), you preclude the possibility of the best.* Capacity for Aggression --> Capacity to Disagree with others --> Best of You“There are no beautiful surfaces without a terrible depth” - Nietzsche- Genuine (True) Morality* "When you are able to do things that you wouldn't do."** You are capable of doing it, but you choose not to do it.* When you fully integrate your shadow."One must have chaos in oneself to give birth to a dancing star." - Nietzsche- Know what to Avoid...* As the famous algebraist Carl Gustav Jacobi said: "Invert, always invert"** Before thinking on ways to improve, identify what destroys and work on avoiding it!“All I want to know is where I'm going to die so I'll never go there.” - Charlie Munger- Pride* The issue with Pride...** Taking pride on yourself will stop you from realizing your potential. *** Because if you are proud of yourself, then you are proud of your old structure. And you won't be willing to let that structure die. But if you want a new structure (a better version of yourself), the old structure has to die. * Don't be Proud...** "You want to continually step away from your previous self"** You are the thing that (voluntarily) transforms Chaos into Order(process that mediates btw Chaos and Order)(this is our deepest biological essence)----- Conversation with Lex Fridman ------- Gazing into the abyss makes you better, but it has to be voluntary!* If it's involuntary / accidental --> Leads to Trauma and potential Death. (negative)* The more Voluntary --> The more it Transforms you. (positively)"Voluntary exposure to that which freezes and terrifies you (in measured proportions) is curative"- The world you experience is defined by the way you live it. (Lex)“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” - Albert EinsteinAct of faith --The highest value is Love. And Truth is its handmaid. (the more we act out this act of faith, the better life gets!)📝 Reflections- On Love being the highest value...* In a letter that Richard Feynman wrote to a student who was trying to teach his mother physics, he wrote:"Tell your son to stop trying to fill your head with science, for to fill your heart with love is enough!"- Reflections on Pride from (1) the book "Power vs. Force", by David Hawkins, and (2) Jordan PetersonPeople who engage too much in Pride have a low level of consciousness (in the consciousness map of Dr. David Hawkins, shown on his book “Power vs. Force”). The downside of Pride is arrogance and denial. Which blocks personal growth. And it is dependent on external circumstances. Thus, it is a net negative condition for any human.Besides, as Jordan Peterson explained, it blocks personal growth because it makes you attach to your current image of yourself, which is molded by your past.Link to the video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wda_iNKrkOg&feature=youtu.be